The Shipley School |

5 Reasons Why I Volunteer at Shipley

Written by Beth Mascio | Oct 15, 2020 7:00:00 PM

My family came to Shipley seven years ago. I have a current fifth grader, who began at Shipley in Kindergarten, and I also have a Class of 2020 graduate, who started at Shipley in sixth grade—so we have almost made our way through each grade at the School! I have volunteered at Shipley in many ways, helping to decorate for events, being a Homeroom Mom and a Parent Coordinator, helping with Annual Giving, soliciting donations for the Spring Auction, planning the Fall Festival, and more. Sure, I volunteer to help the School, but volunteering has been good for me, too. Here are five reasons why I volunteer at Shipley:

  1. To make friends… When we moved here from Louisville, Kentucky, we did not know anyone in the area. So, I started volunteering a little bit at a time. I have met so many wonderful people among Shipley parents and staff who have become my closest friends.
  2. To become a part of the community… When you walk into the Lower School in the mornings, for instance, it is such a wonderfully happy place, with lots of smiles and energy… I really wanted to be a part of this warm community.
  3. To show my daughters how important their school and hence their education is to me.
  4. To do good… Through service opportunities, I have been able to pay it forward and share my blessings with others as far away as Uganda and as close as Bryn Mawr. I have been able to help pack Thanksgiving meals for families in need, help support our sister school in Uganda, and help kids stay warm in the winter months with mittens & hats.
  5. To welcome others into the community… When you love something, you want to share it with others.

In summary, Shipley has so many wonderful opportunities to get involved… you can surely find a way to volunteer that meets your interests and availability. If you have just a little time, you can sign up for an hour here and there, at your convenience.

If you have more time or a passion to share, let us know. Whatever your family situation is, jump in! You and your kids are the most important part of what makes Shipley special. Use your talents and time to make Shipley even better.

Learn more about volunteering and getting involved at Shipley.